Thursday, September 23, 2010

Little Martha

There are so many great pictures of my mother, but this is one is too sweet not to post.


Natalie said...

She looks like the poster child for something wonderful in the... 50s? Anyway, I just want to kiss her on the cheek and give her oreos and milk.

Ryan said...

That photo is so sweet--she reminds me of Shirley Temple! I loved the 1916 Personal Progress goals you sent! Hard to pick my favorite:

"For one month, masticate your food so thoroughly that it slips down without any visible effort at swallowing it."

"Have your toilet moved to an isolated place in the garden. Have a frame of chicken wire built about three feet away and plant quick-growing vines such as cucumber or morning glories to screen it from observation." Huh?

"During two weeks, keep the house free from flies or destroy at least 25 flies daily."

Ryan said...

If you have some free time and want some interesting reading, check out the archives of the original Young Woman's Journal, starting in the 1860's.