Thursday, July 23, 2009

Being Civil

One night the girls were fighting over something and Justin's solution was to give them "swords" and put their Civil War hats on and go to it. They forgot what they were fighting about and just had fun. Thanks to Justin for his creativity in parenting. All ended well.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tee hee

Alright, it's true. You're looking at a urine sample cup...that was kept sterile until filled with popcorn. My kids think getting one of these is another perk of going to the doctor with mom. So why is it filled with popcorn? We went as a family to see "Up" the other day and got some popcorn. Instead of having them fight over who gets to hold the bag a popcorn, I remembered I had this in my purse and filled it for Laura. She loved it and was content with her sample size popcorn. The funny part to me was when we left the movie she was carrying it with her proudly through the theater. The looks we got were priceless. Not my proudest moment as a mother, but at least it was funny.