So, I haven't blogged for over a month, not that I believe people are out there actively wondering what we're up to...besides my mom. The only thing that I had worth mentioning was this...

That's a folder sheet there, but not just any's a fitted sheet. That's the best work I've ever done on a fitted sheet, and even my husband praised my work. (I thought he was teasing me at first, but I think he was really serious.) I know it's not Martha Stewart worthy, but it's not the worst I've seen either.
And then there's the lizard who helped me with my groceries one day. I was in and out of the house with armfuls of bags and just after I shut the door I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Not the kind of movement you want to see, like you daughter twirling or your spouse picking up a wet towel. It was, "Oh crap, what the heck is that!?!" kind of movement. When I saw this little guy he was just standing facing the door I had just closed behind me. I stood a moment and thought that maybe this little boyscout was just helping with the groceries and found himself caught inside when I shut the door. So, I opened it and then he walked out. That was that. I was thankful that no brooms, chasing or dramatic squishing was involved.
So, that's it. When I say I avoid a busy lifestyle, I mean it. Other people blog about their great beach vacations and there accomplished kids, but me...all I've got is a well adjusted lizard and a neat linen closet.
Maybe you could show me how to do that fitted sheet thing! Mine never turn out very good.
I envy you your low key life style. Good work on the sheet.
Diego would have come over and gotten your lizard. He is trying to catch the ones that live under our front steps. He thinks he'll get to keep it as a pet. Give us a call anytime!!! The boy things you get to look forward to :)
That is an awesome fitted sheet! I really am impressed!
you should be proud of your folding job
I strive for a quiet life, but I usually end up feeling like a hermit and out of the loop on church gossip.
My goal in life is to be as low key as possible.
That's so cool you got a picture of that lizard!!!!! :D
That is awesome! I can't ever get those bad boys in a square. I loved this post--I could really hear your voice when I was reading it. So funny.
Leave it to the English major to listen for my "voice".
Wow on the sheet! I could use some sheet folding skills. Mine do not look like that! Hey I miss you too...we have to hit ladies night at the same time one of these weeks. Kelli is going to do my hair on Tues, are you going to be there?
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