Wednesday, April 14, 2010


A Wren built a nest in one of our flower pots this Spring. The girls found her eggs right before Easter weekend. We left them alone, for the most part, but we peeked in on the eggs every couple of days. We didn't want to bug the mom and scare her away with all of our craziness. This morning we found these new hungry little babies. There are five of them total. You can't see it in the picture, but they have a little bit of fuzz on their heads that reminds me of the fluffy fur on Fraggles. (You remember the show Fraggle Rock, right?)


Susie said...

Really cute birds! What a fun thing for your kids to see!

I do believe you borrowed one of my Fraggle Rock DVDs in Texarkana in hopes of exposing Alice to it. I don't remember if she liked it or not. Jane hasn't expressed any interest in it at all, so the DVDs are in the back of the pack.

Also, I don't know when you put that picture of your three kids at the header of your blog, but Laura's hair is heavenly. All your kids are cute, but her haircut made me gasp. Miss you guys!

Cami Bringhurst said...

Um Fraggle Rock was like the greatest show EVER! My brother has it on DVD and my Niece watches it.

East Coast Jenny said...

Susie, when I was writing the post I was thinking of you. When I borrowed your DVD I probably lied and said "it's for Alice" when I really wanted to watch it myself. I do love that little Wembley...and some of the best advice of my life came from the trash heap.

Susie said...

Jenny, I totally thought we had Fraggles living in my house growing up! We had a hole in a wall and I used to look in it and whisper to Wembley.

The trash heap actually frightened me! I've gotta take another look at it and see what I missed.