Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First Birthday for Mark *sigh*

Alright, so the pictures are a little out of order. If I take too much time getting it right, I'll never get it posted...please forgive me.
We had a small celebration for Mark's birthday in Texas with my family. The first few pictures are from that party.
He's tired and hypnotized by the flame.

This was taken after we tried to force him to eat his cake.

My big brother Doug's son, Matthew, also turned one. Here my brother and I are out "goochy, goochy gooing" our kids. We're not very competitive, but we'll find something silly to get worked up over.

Texas cousins making silly faces.

A ball.

Now we're at home on his actual birthday. In true Bringhurst fashion, we celebrated a first birthday with our good friend Little Debbie.

Dinner at a steakhouse.

My favorite fellas.


The Salinas Family said...

Such a cute little guy! Love your friend Little Debbie. What a great idea!

Adrian said...

Happy birthday, Mark! I hope the next year is even more fun!

Krista said...

Wow. How does time go so fast? I can't believe he is one! He is a super cutie!