Easter dresses have always been a big deal to me. I grew up looking forward to shopping with my mom for the perfect dress. I loved the car ride, I loved going to lunch, and I loved the alone time with my mom...not to mention a new dress and shoes. Normally I search and shop for my girls and do my best in finding what I want for a price my husband can stand. So, this year I decided to really win some points with my husband and not spend a dime. I pulled out some fabric I had and made these dresses that don't coordinate, that don't excite the girls, made me neglect my house and kids for the better part of a day, and my husband didn't to the cartwheels I expected when he learned I didn't spend any money. Lesson learned. Next year I'm going shopping, taking the girls to lunch and dropping a hundred bucks.
In other news, we tried to take a family picture yesterday.
Blerg. Mark is a gentle blur in most of the pictures, Laura really wants to take her dress off, I need to drop some pounds, and out of it all I think we ended up looking kind of normal.

Precious Jenny! BTW, you are GORGEOUS and in no need of dropping pounds, unless you were referring to the child you were holding (and, in that case, dropping a child has never ended well)!
At least you know what to do next year!! And Justin has lost all opportunity to gripe about cost. :)
I think that first photo would look fabulous in black and white or sepia--it has a nice old-fashioned flavor to it.
LOL The looks on your girls faces are priceless. Blow them up!
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